Thursday, January 7, 2010

PiCtUrEs GaLoRe...

Homemade Christmas Post #3:

Jamie & I found KILLER deals on some frames at Michael's during their "Black Friday" sale...and they were PERFECT for what we wanted to do for his brother, Josh, and one of my little brothers - Shaylor!

Originally we wanted to have the quotes on vellum paper on top of the pictures....but it was REALLY hard to see the pics, so I ended up "scrapbooking" the quotes above and below each of the pictures and they turned out great.

Here is Josh with the picture of Christ.....and a quote that Jamie picked out.

My l' brother, Shaylor, is the MOST adventurous person in our family! He is becoming QUITE the avid rock climber....OH....and he's single (and at BYU-Idaho)...tell all of your little sisters!

We thought a picture of him rock climbing...combined with one of his favorite quotes....would be a GREAT present. (Quote: "People who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.")

Here he is with his present.....isn't he a CUTIE!! He's pretty tall, too....spread the word to the l'il sistas! Oh - and he's a RM!! :)

1 comment:

  1. love these, what a great and personalized idea. I especially like the rock climbing one; so thoughtful!
