Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Totally RAD Tile!

Homemade Christmas Post #2:

I have a HUGE tile like this in our bedroom...and my sis-in-law, Holly, admired it out loud one day. ...she doesn't seem to remember that....but she did! :) I decided to make this their Christmas present. When you get only get ONE present! :) Darn, huh!

My older bro, Jerek & his bride. Thanks for being such GOOD sports & taking this pic! We crashed at their place in Boise, and we kept them up late (playing games) almost every night! Go "Bean" Game...."I'll trade you two chili beans for your cocoa bean..."


  1. We LOVE the game Bohnanza! (The Bean Game.) Funny! Also, I love the tile. Very cute.

  2. Do you mind sharing how you made the tile? I would love to make some as gifts!

  3. oooh I really like that! So beautiful!

  4. I love this, how did you cut the vinyl, do you own a cricut

  5. What a picture! Looks like it was taken LATE at night with the look of exhaustion from playing 'the bean game'. :) It was worth it though cause I WON! Thanks again for the tile! I got an easel yesterday and now I'm finding a place for it!
