Friday, January 8, 2010

MORE Fab Frames!

Homemade Christmas Post #4:

THIS was one of my favorite presents! I wanted to keep it! (I know, I know...that thought only lasted for a moment....or two....)

Jamie's sister, Jen, was married a year after us, and I had her send us the "color scheme" of their home....and this is what I came up with...

I have made a few of these before.....but I LOVED the dark inking around the edges of the cream frame....I have to give the credit to Jamie! He thought it needed to be a little more dramatic...and he was right!

An "up-close & personal" of the scrapbooked section...

The couple themselves!


  1. That is AdoRabLe! Love all your projects! Glad your back! :)

  2. So CUTE! I love these frames that you make. One day when you live close to me, you will have to show me how it is done! :)
