Tip Junkie highlighted a few ideas for Father's Day...I was completely impressed with this book above! She gives a mini-tutorial here.

This one above was my ALL time favorite!! Over the Tipsy Top suggests a "Plan A Date With Dad" Gift Basket. You have each of your kids pick their favorite place to eat, activity to do, or place to go. THEN...you get a gift certificate to that place and the two of them can use it together. I showed my hubby and he totally approves!! Awwwww!! Dates with DAD! Soooo Fun!!
This card is pretty clever...

She used three envelopes as the base...attached them together to make an accordion-style card...and slipped memorable pictures inside.

Isn't it cute!? She also hooks us all up with a VERY detailed tutorial! I just might attempt this...I don't have the "Stamp It Up" sets that she used....but my handy-dandy computer sure does WONDERS when it comes to fancy fonts...and it's MUCH more cost-effective in my mind. (Don't shoot me...all you "Stamp It Up" fans...I just don't scrapbook with paper enough to invest.) Here's the tutorial.
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