Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our FAV Present We Did This Year!

Homemade Christmas Post #8:

Jamie & I wanted to do something really special for our parents for Christmas this year...and we were SO pleased with the results! I got the idea from another blogger....which I highlighted HERE. We made these presents from SCRATCH!!

We decided to spell "Mother" and "Father" for my parents....since there are SIX kids (six letters...) and "Mom" and "Dad" for his parents since they have three kids in their family.

We purchased the letters at Michael's...and made (with cardboard and spray paint) the letters they didn't have in stock. Then - over the Thanksgiving Break...we took pics of our brothers & sisters with the letters...

My brothers & sisters...

We then found a local guy who has a wood-working shop & had him cut some boards for us and cut out a design around the edges. (One day, I would LOVE to own all of those tools that he had!! For now....good 'ole Mike will be our "wood guy".)

I photoshopped the pics...with my ever-expanding photoshopping skills...(if you are a pro - do NOT laugh!!) and printed the final products at Costco.

We painted, sanded, and stained the boards....and then modge-podged the picture....
Here is my mom with hers...

My dad with his....

LOVED how the "mom" & "dad" turned out!! These are Jamie's siblings.
(We put the spouses in....of course!!)

Final products....do I need a NEW camera or what?? They look YELLOW!!

Jamie's parents with their presents. This was our FIFTH pic of them...they kept laughing and his dad kept covering his face...

They seriously looked amazing and when we are done with OUR family....I am SO doing this for Jamie!

HINT: If you do this...make sure NO ONE is wearing white! That is our only regret....but we still loved it!


  1. I think I was inspired from you via tip junkie! I didn't know it. Thank you. I LOVED that idea!!!
    Here is our versions - http://atticgals.blogspot.com/2009/06/gift-idea-for-dad.html. Keep inspiring.

  2. Those look amazing! I'll have to think about doing that...

  3. Stumbled on your blog through ucreate on Facebook. Thanks for the awesome father's day gift idea for my husband! Daddy will work with our four kids and one group shot. I plan to make one. If I do I'll be sure I blog it and link your blog too. Better get to work!!! :)

  4. I LOVE this idea and might just do it with all the grandkids for my parents next year, how fun would that be?

    Thanks for the fabulous idea!!

  5. What a great idea!! That would make an awesome Mother or Father's Day gift as well!!

  6. OMG!! I ABOSOLUTELY LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I cannot wait for my moms birthday. I know exactly what I am going to do now. :)

  7. Tara - Just wanted to let you know I featured this in my Fun Friday Feature today! :)

    Come over and grab a button.

  8. I LOVE this! I'm always looking for new picture ideas!!

  9. This is great. LOVE it! I added to my list of projects to try on my blog. www.helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com. I think I know what the moms and birthmoms will be getting for Mother's Day this year.
