Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scripture Tote....Anyone??

I thought this was appropriate for SUNDAY!! My hubby makes fun of MY scripture case....and rightly so! My grandmother gave it to me when I graduated from High School....this is the SAME Grandma who gave my l'il sis BRIGHT turquoise SCRIPTURES!! Yep, I am DUE to get/make a new scripture case!
Love The Creative Crate!! She stumbled across these adorable totes.....and since I am SUCH a girly-girl...I had to smile with GLEE when I saw the flowers!
She found the tutorial HERE...and then gave us MORE links to other totes...HERE and HERE!!
Make sure you give Ms. Creative Crate some LOVE for finding these!


  1. that last one makes my heart smile!

  2. Awww...your sweet! Thanks a bunch for the luv! :) By the your blog too - fellow former Boise friend! :)
