Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Old Lamp...NEW Lamp....

One Fish....TWO fish...

Oops...that just kinda reminded me of a Dr. Suess book.... :)

SO - I found a tutorial on HOW to recover a lampshade. Now, the lampshade SHE recovered was a tube shape....I am still on the hunt for one that is more like the "normal" lampshade....CUZ that's what I need to to know for MY lamp makeover!! OR - would this tutorial work for the "norm" lamp??

Anywho....here's HER re-covered lamp with some CUTE fabric on it:

....and HERE is her tutorial!


  1. Tara, thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your blog, it is so fun! And thanks for the idea to do a tutorial on blog makeovers. Maybe I will! :)

  2. You may want to check out
    j-a-girl.blogspot.com. She redoes lamps all the time and I think she's just posted or is going to post a tutorial about it.

  3. judkinsfamilyblog.blogspot.com just posted a cute lamp makeover, that might be what you are looking for :)
