Saturday, February 7, 2009


Super Cute! I would LOVE to do this for our Craft Club next year!! We are done with "V-Day"...and are onto the NEXT holiday....but this is great to remember! Found this HERE. They were even wonderful enough to include instructions. What NICE gals!

{4} 6"x 6" wood blocks
{2} wood X's
{2} wood O's
{2} pink coordinating papers
{14} eye hooks
{2 fl. oz.} white paint
{3} colors of coordinating ribbon

Step 1} Paint X's, O's & wood blocks
Step 2} Cut paper to size, leaving edges exposed
Step 3} Decoupage papers onto wood
Step 4} Glue X's & O's onto decoupage-d paper blocks
Step 5} Screw eye hooks into tops & bottoms of wood
Step 6} Embellish with ribbon

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