Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some Home Decor....Mmmmmmm...

Becky Higgins is a WONDERFUL scrapbooker...but she also has some darling ideas when it comes to decorating. She has been sharing a few of her displays around her house and I just wanted to post MY favorites!
She used the frameless clip frames (that you can get at IKEA)....CUTE! (I am a SUCKER for black & white photos!)

THIS was neat because it is celebrating their ancestry! All of the kid's great-grandparents pics are in the frame. The middle is a scripture is found in Malachi 4:6. "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers."
This is a pic of her guest bedroom....I think I just really like the PINK! Gosh, am I turning into a MAJOR girly-girl, or what?

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