Sunday, March 28, 2010

Takin' The BUNNY Outta Easter....

I don't know about you....but I feel that the true meaning of Easter is completely lost when all we heard about is Easter Bunnies and colored eggs.  I know this is my craft blog....but it's also the place where I store ALL of the crafts or ideas that I would like to try myself.

....AND with there only being a week before Easter is here....I wanted to share an idea that a gal is doing that I think a LOT of your families might benefit from!  

SugarDoodle is a great resource for ALL people, especially if you are LDS.  She has lesson "helps" for Primary, Relief Society, YM, YW, etc.  Even if you aren't LDS....there are ALL sorts of wonderful things that you can use/download/learn.  She also recently added both this blog and my "Dating Divas" blog to her blogroll...AND featured the dating one on her Facebook page!  :)

I was exploring her website and she explained how she REALLY wanted her children to experience the true meaning of Easter so she created a week of family activities.  Each night they will have a short lesson accompanied by pictures, treats, activities, etc. to help the children further understand why we celebrate Easter.  She has some really cute things posted as well as things that will touch you!

Don't get me husband and I LOVE our Cadbury mini-eggs.....{WINK}....but we love the Lord even more and when we have children of our own - we both want to make sure they know the real meaning of Easter.  

Click HERE to check out SugarDoodle's "Week of Easter." starts tomorrow...


  1. SOO True! How easily we all can forget the real meaning. I'm so glad you posted that!

  2. Thanks for sharing that! It's an awesome idea! I hadn't seen it even though I love Sugardoodle and am there all the time.

  3. This is just what I was thinking! great post! :)

  4. Just passing through. LOVE your blogs. So cute. I'm addicted. I thought I would share something that we started this year.

    The Easter Bunny stopped by Tuesday night, left each of my 4 kids a treat and told them he would start coming on Friday nights. That way, we wouldn't be late for church (and they would sleep the night before) and we could really focus on Easter on Sunday.

    The Easter bunny urged my kids to remember the real reason we celebrate Easter and the joy that it brings to our lives. My oldest will turn 7 this month and the older 3 really understood and talked about this. It was really nice. So, we still get to do the Easter thing, but we also get to focus on Christ and the real meaning of the season!

    My 2 cents - thanks for all you do!

  5. About 7 years ago I found a book called Christ Centered Easter and we have followed it since. My kids remember these activities so much more than the bunny stuff. It also talks about how if the kids are really wanting an egg hunt, then do a Spring Hunt on the first day of spring to totally seperate the bunny from Easter. It has really blessed our home to focus on Christ for the entire week.
