Sunday, February 7, 2010

The SURPRISE Is Revealed!! I can FINALLY tell ya all what my girlz and I have been working on!

After marriage....we all think that since we MARRIED our Prince Charming....than of course we are all going to live HAPPILY ever after...RIGHT!!

Things get crazy and life never seems to slow down! I found that although I love my husband even MORE than when we got married (...if that is even possible...) we were slacking in the dating department!!

I came up with a plan...and got a bunch of my amazing friends to join in.....and we created a blog called:

We will be posting a BRAND new creative date every week! We are all taking turns....and we will also be sharing fun gift ideas we do, success stories, marriage tips, etc. I also gathered all of our love stories together and I will be highlighting a love story each month.

OH - and I am also super proud of this project because I really wanted this blog to reflect a FUN girly vibe...and I couldn't find a blog layout that I I decided to learn HOW to create a blog layout...and I actually designed it myself! I feel like I have been to a website design school for the past three weeks...but it's definitely worth it!

This craft blog and my personal blog will be getting makeovers next! :)

Click HERE to go to our "Date Blog."


  1. I'm excited for your new blog! It looks great. You sure this is the first time you designed a blog? ;)
    When will you be putting a "follow this blog" option up? I don't want to miss any of your great ideas. My marriage of 7 years could use a pick me up!

  2. Yay! I look forward to the new blog!

  3. You go girl! I knew you had something fantastic up your sleeve! I am volunteering my husband to do a quarterly " to treat your wife like a princess" post! Actually I do have a fun post for you. I'll email it to you later. Well congrats on your site, and when you want a new siggy, let me know and I'll make sure to do it this time!

  4. fun! Good job learning how to design a blog - I've been doing that too. It sure takes a lot of patience

  5. I think this is so important! SO many marriages are ending in divorce. My marriage on the other hand is going strong, but we forget that we are hubbie and wife. SO I will be visiting for some great ideas!

  6. I think this is so important! SO many marriages are ending in divorce. My marriage on the other hand is going strong, but we forget that we are hubbie and wife. SO I will be visiting for some great ideas!

  7. Love dating divas blog layout. I think you should go into blog designing. I would love to have you recreate my blog look.

  8. OH!! That is the NICEST comment, Carrie!! Thanks!
