Sunday, January 10, 2010

Perfect RM Present...

Homemade Christmas Post #6:

The youngest in my family, my brother - Brady, recently returned home from his two-year church mission to Mexico. I am the ONLY one (out of six kids) in our family who DIDN'T serve a mission. Crazy, huh! I think Brady was the most faithful "letter-writer" out of all the siblings! He diligently wrote a letter home EVERY single week!

His letters became a little more difficult to read as he learned Spanish....and started mixing up his English and Spanish...while writing these letters. We often had to try to guess on what he was trying to say. :)

Jamie & I decided to put all of his letters into Word format, add the date, fix all of the mistakes, put all of the letters in sheet protectors.....and present it to him as a Christmas present. Since he shared a TON of amazing experiences in his's kinda like a journal.
I scrapbooked a cover and the title for the spine...

Jamie (my husband) was SUCH a great help when it came to helping with editing the letters...and getting them organized into the correct order...

He loved it....and WE loved rereading all of his humorous and spiritually uplifting stories! Win-win situation!!

P.S. He is ALSO single....and attending BYU in Provo, UT. You can tell yer l'il sistas & family members about HIM as well. {WINK}


  1. I did something similar for my husband. I kinda "waited" for him on his mission. After his mission, I put all our letters to each other in a binder. Then when I went off to college and he stayed at home to work, we wrote each other a lot too through e-mail. So I printed all of those out and added them to the binder too. I love looking back at our letters to each other. Now that we're married, I sometimes like to write little notes and letters to my husband just so that we have those written words and I scrapbook those.

  2. Good post and idea...I did something like this for my son who served in Florida and I will do the same thing for my son serving in Nicaragua. I love email and that all the letters can be saved and printed...I am also doing a blog for my son serving now where I post his email letters and picture home for extended family in several states to be able to read and follow his progress.
