Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fabric Flowers!

Design Dazzle highlighted a blog that posted a tutorial on how to make the love-ly fabric flower below. I can TOTALLY see this in a plethora of different colors on a headband on a little girl! (Big word, huh! Did I use it correctly? Oh...I'm the teacher?!? Hey....I teach Elementary.....)
But, hey! If you don't want to put it in your little girl's hair OR on your sweater OR on a FUN winter can alway use it as an embellishment on a pillow.
This pillow looks so dreamy to me!!


  1. LOVING that pillow!! I left you a little shout out on my blog!

  2. I want that pillow!
    Congrats to YOU! I awarded you the KREATIV BLOGGER AWARD! Come check it out:

  3. Looks dreamy to me too, beautiful :)
