Friday, June 5, 2009

Yep...I am STILL alive!!

...BUT barely!!

The picture above pretty much sums up my last few weeks. I am EXHAUSTED!! Today was my LAST day with this group of students.....and they have used up every last ounce of strength I had. It was a rough year - LOTS of naughty children!! As the kids were walking out the door, one of my sweet kiddos made the comment, "Mrs. C., you are handling this pretty well! Last year, at my last school, my teacher was bawling!" I just smiled and hugged him good-bye. Little did he know that I ALSO cried last was my FAVORITE group ever....this would be the first year I haven't cried...there IS a first for everything!

Add to that the fact that our school is getting a complete make-over this summer...which means that all of the teachers had to box up their ENTIRE classrooms....I brought all my personal stuff home (I don't want my stuff to get beat up during the renovation process) and my husband was sweet enough to let me fill up our third car garage with all my stuff!! I have spent HOURS afterschool packing, organizing, throwing away stuff, boxing, taping, labeling, hauling, moving, etc. Like I said, it's been an exhausting few weeks!! that it is SuMmEr, I will have more time to do what I LOVE...which is crafts!


  1. Yay for summer! Congrats on being done with school. :) Get crafting! I want some fresh ideas from you. :)

  2. ya, you looked exhausted!
    yay! we made it!
    i hope maura made up for your naughty's a sweetheart!
    i know what its like to have kids that just use up every ounce of strength in you!
    i cant wait to do a session of body jam with you and jen sometime!

  3. I'm so glad you're okay! I always look forward to see what new ideas you have posted! Thanks for all your awesome crafts!! : )

  4. Glad to see you are still alive! :) Can't wait to catch up with you this summer! HOpe to see you soon!
