Thursday, June 18, 2009

Teacher's STAMP of Approval...

This gift...found by U Create...on No Fuss Fabulous...has MY "Teacher Stamp of Approval." It's cute, creative, and simple. I know school is out for all the traditional schools, but for Year-Round schools...this could be a fun end-of-the year present for your student's teacher.
Other gifts that I think have been wonderful in the past: Gift Cards to Barnes & Noble, CHOCOLATE, anything date-related (I think those are SUPER thoughtful)...such as gift cards to a movie rental place or a movie theater. One parent put together a "Date Basket" for me...including the drinks, yummy junk food, popcorn, tubberware bowls & cups, games, and a movie!! AWWWW!! It was one of my favorite presents!! Teachers do NOT make a whole lotta when we are given something that has some thought put into it...I love it even MORE!!
Here's the cute download that goes with the Pencil Bouquet above. If you want to make your OWN can easily download cute fonts like the one above (made to look like a handwriting book) from the Internet for FREE! Just Google it!

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