Friday, June 19, 2009

MORE Shirt Cards for Father's Day

Martha had a little tutorial on how to make THESE cards for Father's Day. I liked that they had sleeves....but I am not lovin' the ties. (One Pretty Thing found this idea, by the way.) I actually MADE this card above! Super cute! I found it on One Day When I Have Time. It doesn't have the sleeves...but who cares!! It's flippin' adorable!! The tutorial for this is HERE.

...and here is the one I made....

...ERRR...the THREE I made...

...maybe next time I will combine the two I have a cute tie AND sleeves! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and you have inspired me so much! It was so fun to see my blog featured on your blog. I feel like such a celebrity! Thanks for all of your inspiring creations! Your shirt cards turned out very cute!
