Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Let's Pack a LUNCH!!

Ok....THIS caught my eye for a FEW reasons! (Little Birdie Secrets made a denim picnic blanket...) #1...I have actually made a patchwork JEAN quilt before! Oh yes...the non-sewing Tara did indeed attempt this seemingly impossible task....
I was in college and OH so in love with my college the time. I was determined to make him a gift he would NEVER forget. I hit upon the idea of a JEAN quilt! The call went out to our apartment complex that I was in need of jeans...and before you knew it....jeans were being left on our front doorstep EVERY night!

One of our TALL friends donated a pair of his and I was able to make the WHOLE middle section with his pants alone!! Oh....did I mention I decided to make a KING-sized jean quilt??

As I was making it....and it took a LONG time (I even tied it) mom & dad joked around that if my boyfriend & I ever broke up....that I would HAVE to demand that he give this quilt back!! Of course, ME...the "oh-so-wise" youngster...knowing that this true love would always last... laughed off their teasing.

He LOVED his present....said it was the BEST present anyone had ever given him. He was very touched!

....we broke up later that year.

...he still has the quilt...

....but HEY...I met & married my PRINCE Charming!!

So, I guess we all ended up living happily ever after!!
...which is WHY I would be willing to tackle a NEW quilt for this that we could take on PICNICS!! Little Birdie Secrets hooks us up with great step-by-step instructions....see her posts below!

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV

P.S. Don't EVER make a king-sized Levi Quilt!! That sucker was HEAVY!!
P.S.S. The pictures are ALL from Little Birdie Secrets....can't take the credit there....but doesn't it look fun!


  1. Great Site and interesting craft ideas thanks

  2. You are to funny!! I wanted to let you know that I looked back at your craft ideas for teachers and I made the crayon frame and some hand sanitizer bottles from your list of cool stuff!! I shared them on my blog !! Thanks for all the ideas!!

  3. I love your blog. I'm giving you an award for your cuteness. Visit my blog to accept your award.
