Friday, March 6, 2009


U Create featured Pink Fig Patterns on her blog a while back and I just about gasped! If I had a l'il girl....she would SOOOOO be wearing this!! This is my favorite pattern.....(above)...and if you like this one...she has P.L.E.N.T.Y. more where that came from! Did I mentioned that I have recently BROKEN out the sewing machine?? Yep, I just whipped up some curtains (for our guest bedroom) and some pillows (for our master bedroom)....Uhhh-Huuhhhh!! My husband came home, saw me sewing, and made the comment, "Who ARE you??" Tee, hee! AnYwAy...when I graduate from sewing straight lines.....{WINK}....I would LOVE to try one of her patterns! Totally in love with these patterns!

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