Sunday, March 22, 2009

L'il Sundress for Your Kid-let!!

U Create found this tutorial a few days ago...and after checking out how this gal explained HOW to make it....I figured it's something I could follow! Plus - it's SUPER cute.....AND I am just sure we will have a ton of girls when we start having I jinxing myself??
SO....she went from THIS... THIS!! (And no...that darling l'il girl is NOT included!)

Look how she even used the buttons....for detail on the back! LOVE it!

1 comment:

  1. SO CUTE! Love the shirt dress! And I have to agree, scrap/card making has become my new SUPER obsession. I LOVE it. And the vinyl scraps are my fav right now. I can seriously throw together a card in NO time, with them!
