Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yep...Cards From A Procrastinator!!

Remember the 42 cards I was supposed to make for the Card Exchange?? Well, picture ME...laying flat on my back in pain right next to the cutting board (after hunching over for a few HOURS...putting the cards together)...and you have the picture!
They weren't even very hard..just TIME-consuming because there were so many! I was originally going to ink them all...but lost the desire with it being so last minute...I am glad I DIDN'T because the quality of the OTHER cards were not so hot!

SO - here is a blurry (SERIOUSLY - need new camera nooooowww!!) pic of an inked one that I am keeping. Simple, yet my biased opinion! {{WINK!}}

(I know, I know...all you scrapbookers out there are thinkin' of a million things you could've done to spice it up....remember....42 of them....AND you are an emotional wreck...cuz Mama Nature has come a knockin'...OH - did I forget to mention that part??)

Ya'll love it, huh! Just say you'll make me feel better!

It was the best I could do at 10:00 the night before! I SOOOO know how to procrastinate in style! :)

P.S. My AMAZING hubby helped me with them! ....after he came home from work with me falling to pieces (literally) in his arms! Yeah....that's true love, right there!


  1. WOW is all I have to say....I just found your blog and you have so many wonderful and creative ideas! Thank you for sharing them with all of us not so creative people!!! I will for sure be back!
    Have a great day!!!

  2. They really are darling!! I need to start a card club here. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  3. They turned out so cute. Sorry I probably didn't help your cause with the beadboard frame that night.
