Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some of MY Valentine Projects...

I made a few little crafts for the upcoming holiday of LOVE!! This l'il beauty below was a nightmare! I didn't like my original plan...started off with a RUSTY red...NOT my color...and I wanted it to be a little darker... (OH, I first sanded the edges, obviously....huh!!)
Used a DARK brown glaze over it...
....THEN came the HEART...this gave me the MOST headache! I kept painting and repainting it....it just didn't look right with any of the colors I chose AND when I paired it up with all of my different choices of scrapbooking paper....NOT so cute! I FINALLY had to just paint the heart black to cover up past mistakes....I glittered it, added rhinestones to "jazz it up"...drilled holes through the frame, threaded the ribbon thru it, and modge-podged some scrapbooking paper onto the background. How's that for a run-on sentence?? Say, what?? Yes - the TEACHER in me is coming out....
Needless to say - I am GLAD this craft is completed! AND - my hubby said he really likes it! Siiiggghhhh!! That make it all worth it! Here is an up-close "shot" of the middle. I LOVE how it says, "love"....mixed in with the polka dots!

THIS last one is probably the most "Valentine-Y" of them all. The ribbon AND some of the stripes are HOT PINK! They don't look that bright because of my crappy camera...but they are FUN colors!