Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Wrappin' Good Time!

"Over The Tipsy Top Design" blog has some FABULOUS ideas! My last post was about them...and so is this one! I TOTALLY want to do this next Christmas! Here's what they do...

"Grab all your Christmas packages your favorite soda and treats and head on over to your girlfriends house to wrap the night away in style!! This is exactly what we get to do in our neighborhood. Our darling neighbor hosts a wrapping party, after all the kids are tucked in we sneak out and wrap into the wee hours with one another. She will even store any gifts we want to hide down in her basement!!! She has all kinds of wrap and ribbon but of course we can also bring our own!!! Seriously this is the best holiday party, it gets you and your purchases organized. No more all night Christmas Eve wrapping!!!! Girlfriends, treats, laughing, fun all night long, really what could be better!!!! Have a great time! Plan this one now!!!!"

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