Sunday, December 28, 2008

Candles, Anyone??

I don't know where I stumbled across "Just A Girl's" blog...but I can say that that girl has got TASTE! Totally into the earthy tones....and I can honestly say I would put any one of her decorations into my own home! I love this candle idea...I actually did a similar thing in our bedroom....but I like her take on it, and can't wait to copy it!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Tara,

    What a great idea! I love the way the candles turned out. Thank you for letting me know about this blog. I am always looking for great craft ideas to pass the time.

    I did indeed find your other blog through Lisa's blog. I know her from her Infertility Forum website. And I am so glad that she is keeping those babies in as long as she can. I am praying so much for her. I think that is is so unbelievable how we are all so linked even though we know so little about each other!!

    Hope you had a great New Year!!

