Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Shoes Off Please"

Who out there is a fan of guests....and husbands....and chilluns...taking off their shoes when they come in the house?? I TOTALLY am!! I was raised that way...and I loved that our house always looked nice! I always thought it was tacky to ASK guests to remove I just let them notice our shoeless feet and then they would hopefully figure it out...{well, some just never catch on...} Wink, wink!! I came across this adorable way to ask guest to remove their shoes. I am going to take a picture of my nieces & nephew's feet over Thanksgiving and copy this idea!! I also saw some cute wooden crates at JoAnn's that were on sale....I am going to buy one, paint it black & then hang the frame of the kid's bare feet on it with ribbon! I just might do it for the back door as well!! :)


  1. i absolutely love this. i found a cute sign at the quilted bear that says "there are two choices in life. remove your shoes or scrub the floor." but I love this one too!!!

  2. K, you can use my kids' feet IF ONLY i get to do it too! :)
